Video Editing Projects
Fight Club Edit I Sleepwalker
views 200+ I 2023
Breaking Bad Edit I Let It Happen (Radio Edit)
views 1k+ I 2023
Photoshop Projects
1 year ago, I was actively involved in creating YouTube content and editing videos. However, at some point, I found myself lacking the motivation needed to continue with my channel and video editing endeavors. This period of dwindling motivation is common in creative pursuits and can be challenging to navigate. When faced with a decline in motivation, it is essential for me to reflect on the initial reasons that inspired me to start my YouTube channel and engage in video editing. Revisiting my original motivations and goals can reignite my passion and provide a fresh perspective on my creative journey. Embracing the challenges I faced during the early stages, such as learning curves and setbacks, can serve as valuable learning experiences that shape my growth as a content creator.